Auction Process Starts With Register Now or Sign in free of cost at our website to Access Live Japan Auto Auctions. We are providers of auction access to all major Used Car Auction houses in Japan and can get you the best deals.
First, provide your contact details and information on the vehicle(s) that you desire to purchase by using our request form. We will then provide market price analysis, statistics and shipping costs. You can utilize our free auction search engine to search for available vehicles. You can also use our auction mailer which will email vehicles directly to you based on your search criteria.
We will also search on your behalf and email available vehicles.
We can give you a good idea on market prices and work out if it suits your budget situation.
If the above works, we would then request a deposit and we will start working for you – translating the Japanese auction inspection reports attached to each car, physically attending the auction to inspect vehicles and take photos for you, and finally bidding on the car up to whatever amount you tell us.