Buyer’s guide

Buying a vehicle from Japan may seem very complicated and risky at first.

If you try to buy on your own or in an uncertain company – this scenario may work.

In this buyer’s guide, you’ll learn about the essentials before you buy, where to look for deals, how to become the owner of your dream vehicle from Japan and how to contact us.

Step 1: Rules, regulations, agreements.

Before buying, the relevant information points are:

  1. How to buy
  2. Terms and conditions

Step 2: Prepare to buy

Good preparation for the purchase is crucial for the smooth course of importing a car from Japan.

  1. Auction access
  2. Auction tools
  3. Auction grades
  4. Auction sheet example
  5. Auction shedules
  6. Auction locations

Step 3: Auction platform

Car search is not an easy nut to crack! You can on our platform alone or ask us for help.

Step 2 has provided you with a registered account on our platform. It’s time to use it!

Step 4: Helpful and current offers

If you have the model you are looking for or you still can’t decide – it’s worth taking a look at our channels, where we publish the selected and most interesting offers from Japan.

You can also take advantage of the offer of vehicles already imported by us, available on site.

Step 5: Contact

Have questions? Want to act? Feel free to contact us!